Instruction Committee Meeting: January 20, 2021

Met via Zoom

Members attending: Dee Anna Phares (co-chair), Northern Illinois University; Christina Norton (co-chair), Bradley University; Tish Hayes, Moraine Valley Community College; Annie Armstrong, University of Illinois Chicago; Joshua Avery, Wheaton College; Molly Mansfield, Dominican University; Kristin Allen, Harper College; and Amy Hall, National Louis University.

Members absent: none

Staff attending: Denise Green, Debbie Campbell and Emily Wros

Board Liason attending: Rebecca Donald


  • From co-chairs meeting: CARLI committees are continuing on in their current form; DEI charges will be added to all committees. Re-envisioning complete!
  • Our ACRL Bibliography is valuable/linked enough on other LibGuides to continue to exist; we will proceed with this project.
  • For the Instruction Showcase, we will pursue a workshop where attendees can bring instructional materials and update/improve for inclusion/accessibility. Kristin and Molly have spoken to reps from their universities.
  • We will hold an informal instruction roundtable discussion on March 3. 


  • Upcoming events in the PDA series for spring. Full calendar: 
  • For Alma: Bi-weekly sessions on fulfillment and technical services topics
  • CARLI Resource Sharing committee is having a monthly discussion on resource sharing topics

Tasks assigned:

  • Finish “weeding” your assigned section of the ACRL Framework Toolkit document by March 1. Strike-through and add a comment for any resources you recommend deleting. New resources should be added to this document: 
  • Kristin is going to put together the “Seeking proposals” email for the Instruction Showcase. Email will go out on March 8, with a submission deadline of April 5.
  • Dee Anna will write the description for our March 3rd instruction roundtable discussion; goal is to send out the email on February 1.
  • Annie will send out a Doodle poll to help us choose a date for workshopping research questions; goal is early February

Meeting Dates and Deadlines:

Next Meeting: February 17, 1 pm, Zoom